Years 8 to 12 Boy Boarders

01473 326240

Housemaster Mr C Gould
House Matron Mr S Cocker
Resident Assistant Miss N Deans

Year 8 boy boarders moving up from Blake House or new boy boarders entering the school at 13+ enter one of three boys’ senior boarding houses (Collingwood and St Vincent), each with around 60 boarding pupils. There are leisure facilities that include day rooms, table tennis and pool tables, kitchens, television rooms and a house library. Each boarder has his or her own self-contained working and sleeping accommodation. Pupils will be accommodated in four-bedded or double rooms, depending on their year group.  Pupils in Year 12 will generally be in double or single study bedrooms with en-suite facilities.

From the Housemaster of Collingwood

Collingwood House is a home built around firm ideas of team-work, inclusivity and friendship. Whether you’re a new boy or an old-hand, international or from down the road, Collingwood belongs to all. Once you have arrived at here with us, you (and your families) belong to something very important: the Collingwood family. My aim is that each boy will develop the tools that they will need for the rest of their lives: compassion, dedication and an understanding of self.

I joined RHS in 2011 and was, for the next five years, the Resident Assistant before being appointed as a Housemaster; like the boys in house, I am involved in lots of areas of school life: an English (and drama) teacher, an officer in the School’s Royal Marines CCF and a sports coach. Like the boys, it is important to me to throw myself into opportunities that develop character. In the house, we consciously focus on the development of each boy: we expect a great deal of our young men and are steadfast in our support of their ambitions.

Being a part of Collingwood house means that you will have friends for life: it means that when you face challenges there will be people by your side. It means that you belong to a family that aims for excellence.

Regardless of who you are when you arrive, you will leave a Collingwood man

C Gould