One-Year Programme GCSEs

One-Year Programme GCSEs


Top performing one-year GCSE students

Luzia Hauselt and Rebecca Klopstock, both from Germany, joined RHS in Year 11 on a one-year, seven subject GCSE programme; a challenging course designed for the most able English language learners to achieve recognised examinations to take back to their home countries. 

Luzia, from Roth in Germany, achieved all her seven GCSEs with impressive grade 9s in German, History and Spanish. She will be going on to study her A Levels in Germany and hopes to study Law at university. At RHS, she particularly enjoyed playing cello in the school orchestra and representing the school in cross-country fixtures.  
“My favourite memories at RHS are spending the evenings with my friends and having the opportunity to attend impressive events like the sports dinner and socials.” 

Rebecca, from Munich, achieved an impressive seven GCSEs in one year, of which three were at top grade 9 level (Mathematics, Combined Science and German) and two at grade 8 (History and Latin). She will be going on to take her A Levels back in Germany with a view to studying Physics at university. At RHS, she particularly enjoyed sailing, climbing and debating.  
“My favourite memories at RHS are the times I’ve spent with the amazing friends I’ve made in school”.