


I joined RHS in Year 7 as a Sailing Scholar, coming from the Perse School in Cambridge. Since then, the school has encouraged me to get involved in as many activities as possible, which led me to discover my passion for music. In Year 9, I was fortunate to have my Scholarship converted from sailing to music, focusing on the piano, organ, and drum kit. Becoming a Music Scholar has shaped much of my time at RHS. 

When I first arrived, it was during a COVID year, and I wasn’t expecting the amazing welcome I received from both staff and pupils in all year groups. This friendliness didn’t stop once we began to settle in, but has continued throughout my time at the school. Settling into boarding was something I was nervous about, but the team in Blake House and my teachers helped make it feel like home. A standout memory is being encouraged to join the school’s marching band, which not only helped me meet most of my friends but also led me to discover my love for music. 

I found making friends quite easy. Joining as a boarder, we were quick to bond with each other in the house. Since moving into a senior house in year 8, this has continued, and the house community is strong due to the friendships pupils form not only within their year groups but with other year groups as well. Another way I found very helpful to make friends was through getting involved in lots of extracurricular activities. I was able to make friends easily in the music school as everyone is really friendly, and we had lots of shared interests. 

Throughout my time at RHS, I have participated in many extracurricular activities, including MUN, CCF, Chapel Choir, Chamber Choir, Marching/Concert Band, Big Band, Percussion Ensemble, the Corps of Drums Display Team, and even teaching the Junior Corps of Drums. My favorites are the Chamber Choir and Big Band because the music that we perform is challenging, but then you feel a sense of accomplishment afterwards. 

RHS has given me incredible opportunities that I don’t think I would have had anywhere else. I’ve been on a music tour to Washington DC, performed on HMS Diamond and HMS Queen Elizabeth, visited HMS Collingwood to train with the Royal Marines Band Service, visited airfields with the CCF and sung in St. Paul’s Cathedral.