Global Awareness

Global Awareness


Global Awareness

Lilian Kamara and Will Sellers delivered their Prefect Talk in this week’s assembly on the current school focus of ‘Global Awareness’. 

To have global awareness is to have a capacity which incorporates the attitudes, knowledge and skills necessary for a person to navigate the world. In other words, this enables us to gain different perspectives and views about the world around us and how it works. 

Almost all the social media and streaming apps we use are American, most products that we use are made in China and a great deal of our energy, as we have experienced in the last few months, is reliant on Eastern Europe. This highlights just how globalised we are and in turn how much things going on in other countries impact us. Yet how many of you know about the riots which are happening in Iran over women’s rights and the theocratic regime? It is stories like these that seem far away and unlikely to affect us, but might be more important than Matt Hancock’s suspension as an MP due to his forthcoming appearance on ‘I’m a Celebrity’. 

Not only can exposing ourselves to global issues help us become well-informed individuals it also allows us to gain some perspective. Perspective is incredibly important and can help us to realise the scale of our issues when we’re feeling down. That is not to say things what might be worrying you don’t matter if they aren’t life or death situations, but perspective can help us to recognise all of the positive things in our lives. 

We would like to stress that becoming globally aware is not actually that difficult. It can be as simple as reading the headlines that pop up on your phone or listening to podcasts on your way to school, which is enough to give you an idea of what is going on in the world. 

Our generation is able to be globally connected unlike any before us; we can access information from around the world and talk to friends instantly thousands of miles away. It has never been easier to be globally aware, and therefore we urge you to engage more with the wider world around you.