Brass for Africa

Brass for Africa

Former pupil Dom Torrington spent three months in Kampala last year working with Brass for Africa, a charity that works with disadvantaged children in Uganda and Liberia through the form of music. They provide weekly brass lessons to hundreds of children across 17 different outreach sites including orphanages, slum areas and juvenile homes.

Dom was directly involved in teaching music and organising a concert, “I met many amazing and inspirational people whose lives have been transformed by Brass for Africa through giving them back their confidence and, in many cases, providing them with employment and healthcare as brass teachers. It has set them on the path to fulfilling their ambitions and giving them life chances that they would not have otherwise had. I absolutely loved my experience in Uganda, it made a huge impact on me to meet so many people who often had so little, but gave so much and I am really looking forward to returning this summer.”