Our recruitment team will be on the road next week, hosting a number of information drop-in events in Plymouth, Yeovilton and Portsmouth, in support of naval seafarers!
About the School
The school was established over 300 years ago to educate boys for a life at sea. Today, it provides an excellent all-round education for 700 boys and girls aged between 11 and 18 from a wide range of backgrounds, whilst keeping much of its rich maritime heritage, including unrivalled sailing opportunities and a strong tradition of musical excellence. The whole school; classrooms, sporting facilities and living accommodation, is set in 200 acres of stunning Suffolk countryside just south of Ipswich: an amazing environment in which to live and learn. And with the added convenience of transport to and from the Portsmouth area at the start of terms and holidays (subject to demand).
Core to the school’s ethos is a commitment to outstanding pastoral care ensuring that we provide a happy place; where every child feels nurtured, supported and secure. Everyone is part of their own ‘house’ and looked after by an experienced team of caring staff whose responsibility is for the wellbeing of your son or daughter.
Support for naval seafarers
The Royal Hospital School is part of Greenwich Hospital, a Crown naval charity, one of whose charitable objectives is to provide for the education of the children of seafarers. The school is proud of its historic links with the Royal Navy, Royal Marines and Royal Fleet Auxiliary. This is why we are able to offer discounts and generous bursaries to 1st generation seafaring families so their child or children can benefit from an outstanding education at one of the country’s leading co-educational boarding schools.
There are a number of options available:
1. For those in receipt of the MOD Continuity of Education Allowance (CEA), you are eligible for discounted fees.
2. 15% Greenwich Hospital Discount (not means-tested)
3. Greenwich Hospital Bursary - these are means-tested, and depending on the applicant's circumstances, can offer a fee reduction of up to 95%. Eligibility does not guarantee that a bursary will be awarded, as they are limited in number and can be oversubscribed. Bursaries are allocated based on:
- charitable need
- seafaring priority, with the children of serving officers and ratings taking priority over retired personnel
- entrance examination and interview performance
- availability of places (day or boarding) within each year group.
Please find guidance on the Greenwich Hospital Bursary here.
4. Obtain a RHS Scholarship or Award (which offers fee remissions) and you may apply for an additional RHS 'means-tested' bursary.
5. Normal entry on full fees.
Register your interest by completing the form below.
Who can apply?
We accept applications for children of seafaring families whose parents have served in the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, or Royal Fleet Auxiliary for a minimum of three years (serving or retired).
Entry is normally at Year 7 (11+ years) but applications for other year groups and into the Sixth Form can also be considered.
Bursaries are means-tested based on gross family income, capital holdings and certain expenditure. They are limited and only available on entry and are not available retrospectively to pupils already in the school.
Applications need to be submitted before the closing date for school applications in November and not before 5 April in the year preceding entry to the school. Normally all available bursaries and discounts are awarded by January. A financial support application form will be sent after a registration form has been received by the school.
Please use the enquiry form below to register your interest.
Parents, who have benefited from the opportunity for their children to attend RHS believe that their children have grown to become well-rounded, confident and, most importantly, happy young people. Read below what parents of pupils have said about their experience of the school.

If you have served or are serving in the Royal Navy, Royal Marines or Royal Fleet Auxiliary you could be eligible for a generous naval bursary to enable you to send your child to the Royal Hospital School.
Seven reasons why the traditions of the Royal Hospital School could be perfect for your child.
If you are serving in the Royal Navy or Royal Marines you could be entitled to the Continuity of Education Allowance (CEA) to help you cover the fees to send your children to the Royal Hospital School.
If you have served or are serving in the Royal Navy, Royal Marines or Royal Fleet Auxiliary you could be eligible for a generous bursary to enable you to send your child to the Royal Hospital School.
If you have served with the Royal Navy, Royal Marines or Royal Fleet Auxiliary you could be entitled to financial support to provide your children with an outstanding education at the Royal Hospital School.