Celebrating European Day of Languages – All Week Long!
Understanding our world and our role within it is a key part of pupil development at RHS and it is embedded inside and outside of our curriculum. We seek to develop our school community in the following three areas:
1. Global Citizenship
Celebrating cultural and national similarities and differences, recognising that diversity enriches our community.
Our staff and pupils actively develop, implement and evaluate new learning activities, which are shared with relevant groups across the school network. Successful activities and resources are built into schemes of work across the curriculum for future years to create a happy, fair and positive environment for all.
Whole-school events are planned to celebrate the cultural, ethnic, linguistic and social diversity of our school community. These events not only celebrate the global nature of RHS as a school, but they will be a vehicle for further education on the importance of being knowledgeable and receptive to other cultures, languages and groups.
2. Global Sustainability
Understanding our impact on the environment and our individual and collective responsibility for living and working sustainably.
We actively identify and put into practice more environmentally sustainable ways of living and working, supporting and encouraging this both within the school community and outside school, with our external suppliers, contractors and other associated groups and organisations. We aim to reduce our carbon footprint and renew our Gold Carbon Charter Award.
We identify and work with parents, alumni and other contacts who have expertise and insight into environmental responsibility and sustainability. Sessions to complement the growing presence of environmental issues in our academic schemes of work are run for pupils.
3. Global Awareness
Understanding and devising solutions for contemporary global issues.
We aim to better understand global issues e.g. war, mental health issues, poverty, environmental issues, and how they might impact our daily lives at RHS and beyond, identifying ways to support one another where required.
Our Compass curriculum in Years 7-9 encourages pupils to reflect on a diverse range of nuanced issues, such as protest, activism, fake news, the cult of celebrity, political engagement, modern slavery and the cost-of-living crisis. We recognise that complex issues often require complex solutions, and so encourage pupils to think critically about different viewpoints on such issues.
Current affairs and contemporary global issues are explored through our debating society, Model United Nations and tutoring programme, as well as being intelligently discussed through skilled teaching staff when they arise in the academic curriculum.
RHS Global News
This summer, a group of 17 pupils embarked on an incredible journey to Ecuador as part of the Social Enterprise Camps International Trips. Their adventure was filled with meaningful community work, cultural experiences, and unforgettable moments in nature.
We all had a good night’s sleep boarding in Blake with an early rise at 12o'clock in the morning, feeling well rested we headed out, ready for our 6 am take off for our flight to Munich airport.
Our Year 10 pupils embarked on an educational journey along the beautiful River Brett, as part of their GCSE curriculum.
On Friday our school took part in Svitlo School's World Record Assembly to raise awareness of the impact of conflict.
During Black History Month, our Art Department invited the RHS Black community to sit for portrait photographs, inspired by Cephas William's moving installation 'A Portrait of Black Britain'.
Pupils from the Stephen Lawrence Society recently visited the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, to explore the thought-provoking "Black Atlantic: Power, People, Resistance" exhibition. This exhibition delves into the history of Cambridge University in connection to the transatlantic 'slave trade,' re-imagining artwork to spotlight the issues of the trade and racism.
Green chemistry breakthrough gives fair winds to sail recycling initiative
Friederike, Pauline, Charlotte & Luise report on the start of their adventure here at the Royal Hospital School
In the second of our podcast series, we continue to get to know members of our RHS community, but with a particular theme. Global Awareness, Citizenship and Sustainability is the school focus for 2022/23 and how the school community can continue to grow in areas of diversity, inclusivity, sustainability and awareness of global issues. We listen to a range of members from our community on what we are doing in this important area.
RHS Global Newsletter
Our pupils have developed a digital newsletter to promote global awareness, sustainability and citizenship activity.
RHS Global Edition 5